Plagiarism and Consequences
Critical Studies endeavors to teach students the essential skills and basic ethics involved in any academic enquiry.. To this end, we are committed to observing the policy on plagiarism set out in the CalArts Course Catalog. This stipulates that plagiarism is the use of ideas and/or quotations (from the internet, books, films, television, newspapers, articles, the work of other students, works of art, media, etc.) without proper credit to the author/artist. Critical Studies holds to the view that plagiarism constitutes intellectual theft and is a serious breach of acceptable conduct.It is also the policy of CalArts that students who misrepresent source material as their own original work and fail to credit it have committed plagiarism and are subject to disciplinary action. In the case of Critical Studies, any student caught plagiarizing will immediately be given a ‘no credit’ for that class. The student will not be allowed to re-write the paper, and if there is further evidence of plagiarism, Critical Studies will recommend more severe disciplinary action, including suspension or dismissal.

If you have any questions regarding plagiarism or want direction on how to credit source material, ask the member of faculty and refer to reference guides on permanent reserve in the CalArts library. The CalArts reference librarians may be able to offer additional information as well.

Absences and Consequences
Critical Studies also needs to ensure active and regular student participation in our courses. It is a courtesy to let your instructor know about an unavoidable absence ahead of time, if at all possible. If you must leave a session early for any reason, you will be asked to sign a sheet giving an explanation and this will be verified with your mentor/School.

A student will be assigned an “NX” for any Critical Studies course after three absences without reasonable excuseA grade of “NX” cannot be changed.

Change of Grade
In the interests of operating an equitable grading system, Critical Studies stringently enforces CalArts’ change of grade policy. Students have one semester upon receiving an “Incomplete” grade to make up any missing coursework and/or projects.  If this work has not been completed by the of the semester, the Incomplete converts automatically to a “No Credit”.  After that time, changes require the approval of Deans Council.  Deans Council will approve such grade changes only in the case of extreme, extenuating circumstances or in cases of administrative/faculty error.